Dr. Nathan J. Heide, DAOM, MBA, LAc is a licensed acupuncturist and the founder of Anjuna Sports Acupuncture. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Dr. Heide is dedicated to helping his patients achieve optimal results through evidence-based, sports acupuncture, dry-needling and rehabilitation therapies. He is an avid rock climber and mountain bike enthusiast. When not treating patients, he can often be found on the rock walls or riding his bike.
Climbing by the numbers
Routes (Highlights):
5.14s- 4: Omaha Beach (Red River Gorge, KY); SuperNova (Rumney, NH), God’s Owen Stone (Red River Gorge, KY), Viaggio Segreto (Ferentillo, Italia).
5.13s- 35: Many in Red River Gorge, Rumney, Foster Falls, Italians Crags, Smith, Mt Potosi, Mt Charleston, Salt Lake City Crags, Idaho Crags.
5.12s- 100+: Many in the above regions.
Boulders (Highlights):
V10 Instinct (sit), LRC (TN)
V10 Redrum (sit), Bishop (CA)
V10 Satan on a Half Shell, Rumeny (CA)
V10 Eden, Joe’s Valley (CA)
V10 Buzzsaw, Black Mountain (CA)
Trad (Highlights):
The Prow on Washington Column, Yosemite (CA)
Broken Arrow, Tuolumne Meadows (CA)
Desert Gold, Red Rocks (NV)
Q & A
What do you do when you are not climbing (other hobbies/counter sports)?
I practice Ashtanga yoga, listen to music, vacation in sunny places with Erin, and think about how to make the best Anjuna Medicine brand around!
Favorite climbing shoe?
Five Ten Dragons, Blackwings, and V10s. (I’ve not tried the La Sportiva Solutions yet, but I think those will be my next pair!)
If you had to name one aspect of climbing that gets your most psyched, what would it be?
The adventures and exploration aspect, for sure. Also, the ability to try a problem or route and get completely shut down and think—”gosh, that might be impossible”—but then to come back and unlock the sequence, discover the beta, and send the problem or route. Gives me the feeling as if ‘impossible is nothing’. That’s what get’s me psyched!
How many whippers have you taken?
So many! Some of the biggest have been at Red River Gorge in the Motherlode after finishing Omaha Beach and Transworld. Those were HUGE falls. I’ve also taken some screamers in Yosemite that almost made me not want to go back (but, I did)! ?
What is the best part of any climb?
The best part of any climb is certainly the moment when I unlock a sequence that has previously been stumping me. Something that felt totally impossible, then becomes doable and possible. That’s the very best part.
What is the scariest, or most intimidating part about climbing?
The most intimidating part of climbing is being on the sharp end of a trad route high above the last piece of pro, which you suspect is not very good, but you need to keep climbing to get to the next good placement. It’s a moment when you just can’t fall—period. So, the stress and adrenaline is high and seriousness is legit. You just can’t make any mistakes or the results could be pretty catastrophic! You’re certainly on the edge between safety and insanity, which is just what I enjoy and makes me feel intimidated.
Essential climbing food?
I’m really into avocados and tortillas these days.
If you never started climbing what would you have pursued instead?
I have no idea! Climbing caught my attention from the very beginning, and I’ve never looked at any other activity with as much love as I do climbing. Who knows what else I would have done.
Who is your idol/hero?
In the climbing world it is certainly Bill Ramsey. He has inspired me from the first day a met him, and even now in his late 50s, he still climbs like a hardman. He’s a constant source of inspiration!
Guilty Oregon pleasure?
Euphoria Chocolate in Eugene. I seriously can never say no to their stuff.
Tea or coffee or Kombucha?
Kombucha and Tea. Currently, I’m on a coffee break.
Favorite Eugene meal after climbing?
Probably going to Falling Sky for a light meal and a beer.
What are your top 3 fav climbing locations?
Tuolumne Meadows, California
Ceuse, France
Red River Gorge, Kentucky