To reconnect people with the delightful experience of medical service.
Our Basic Vision
Our Basic Mission
To Make Healthcare Easy.
Our Anjuna Pillars
We make your treatment the highlight of your week by delighting, comforting, and healing.
We act with integrity, honesty, and kindness in all transactions.
We deliver the exceptional experience of human connectedness.
We operate from a transformative context of sustainability and compassion.
Our Tagline/Slogan
We Make Healthcare Easy.
Understand Our Daily Goals
To make your treatment the highlight of your week.
Anjuna Medicine's Product
As a clinic, we provide acupuncture and massage services, and in the treatment rooms, we deliver the promise of human connectedness, hope and inspiration for a better life.
Our Philosophy Document with Long-term Strategy
Located Here: Currently being updated. Not Available Yet.
Resolute Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles to your word. It means knowing how to honor your word to yourself even when, paradoxically, you must break your word to fully honor it.
Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or people to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Authentic Synergy occurs when you combine relate-able transparency with synergy to achieve maximum collaborative effectiveness.
Continuous inventiveness is the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods and interpretations on a regular basis that moves Anjuna into new ways of operating.
We practice “relate-able transparency,” making almost every piece of information about the business available and relate-able to every employee. We share as much information as legally allowed on our DropBox and SOP, including financials (cash balance, burn rate, P&L, etc.), management-meeting decks and board decks. The only things we don’t share are things we are legally required to protect (e.g. notes on an acquisition we’re considering that’s under NDA) or things like individual salary information, which aren’t completely ours to share. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels deeply related to each other and the mission/vision of Anjuna.
Immediate, direct experience is at the core of humanity and is the most significant value in our society. We seek to transcend perceived limits that stand between us and a recognition of our self-expression, the disempowered reality of those around us, apathetic participation in society, and disconnection with a natural world. No idea can substitute for immediate, direct experience.
Empathic communication is emotional attunement that allows one to correctly acknowledge the emotional state of the patient without experiencing that state oneself.
Enthusiastic self-expression means a person who finds and expresses their voice, passion, and artistic self without fear of other perceptions. Only an individual or a collaborating group can determine on the medium. Self expression is essential to a complete human experience. The expressionist should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient and support others in the pursuit of pure self-expression.