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How Acupuncture & Massage Can Assist the Working Mom
I had my son, Simon, fifteen months ago. I went back to work as a full-time employee when he was only six weeks old. My level of anxiety and overall stress has tripled since becoming a mother, especially after I went back to work. Many days I find myself feeling a bit like a circus clown. I juggle many different tasks and play many different roles throughout my day.
Before joining the Anjuna team, I had little experience with massage and zero experience with acupuncture. I recently experienced my first acupuncture treatment and felt an overwhelming release of stress and anxiety. I explained to a friend that it was as if my ‘plate’ had been washed clean. Acupuncture proved to a fantastic stress reliever for me.
I’ve learned a lot about acupuncture and massage in the past couple weeks, not only from my first-hand experience, but also from doing some research.
Acupuncture & Massage = NO MEDICATIONS!
The biggest perk of acupuncture and massage, in my humble opinion, is that it takes medications out of the mix. Anxiety and stress can, at times, be completely overwhelming. While I don’t disagree with medications, trying a natural remedy would be something to strongly consider. Acupuncture and massage give you the ability to release the pain in a very natural way while avoiding medications that can potentially harm you in the long-run. From a mom’s perspective, this is especially important as I want to make sure Simon and I are as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.
Acupuncture & Massage = SELF-CARE
Another aspect of acupuncture and massage I find extremely useful is its ability to be used as a form of self-care. When I became a mother, I learned of a term called ‘mom guilt.’ I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I’m pretty sure that all mothers have experienced a form of ‘mom guilt’ at one time or another. The term refers to the guilt moms feels for doing things for themselves. I completely believe that a huge part of me being a quality mother is how I take care of myself. When I first became a mom I thought 100% of my time had to be completely devoted to my son, and in a way, it still is. By taking care of myself (like doing acupuncture or scheduling a massage), building and maintaining strong relationships with my family and friends, as well as spending quality time with my son, I’m bettering myself as a whole and giving myself the tools to be the best mother I can be. Doing acupuncture or getting a massage gives me the break and outlet I need to be able to perform as a mother to the best of my ability.
Being a working mother is no joke! I know for a fact that mothers are some of the strongest people on this planet. With that said, we can all use an outlet to relieve the stress and anxiety that comes with everyday life, and especially motherhood. For me, and many other moms, acupuncture and massage has been an incredible way to release anxiety and stress. Acupuncture is said to bring balance back into your body. After an intake appointment with your practitioner, she will have a good idea of what area or need to focus on. Whether it’s a sports injury or an emotional concern, acupuncture and massage can bring back a balance to your body and state of mind. Acupuncture and massage focuses on your overall well-being, and as a mom, anything helps!